
libcidr is a library to make it easier to handle IP addresses and blocks, and manipulate them in various ways.

The core of the library is a pair of functions that take a human readable string and turn it into our internal representation of a CIDR address block (cidr_from_str() ), and one to take that internal representation and turn it into a human-readable string (cidr_to_str() ). There are a large number of options for how to format that string, as well.

Additionally, there are functions to compare different CIDR blocks, to determine if they're equal, or if one is contained within the other. This functionality can be useful for writing access-control code, or client-dependant configuration, or similar things. There are functions to manipulate address blocks and determine attributes of them, like network/broadcast addresses, the range of host addresses, the number of available host addresses, etc. There are functions to split a CIDR block into the two smaller blocks it contains, or to derive the parent block that it is itself contained within. And there are functions to translate to and from in_addr-type structures, which the operating system commonly uses to represent addresses for handle socket connections and so forth.

In short, just about anything you might do in a program with IP addressing, whether referring to individual hosts, or to any sized subnets, libcidr is designed to simplify handling. It's not a DNS library, nor is it a socket abstraction layer. It's just a set of functions for manipulating raw IP addresses in various ways.

The functions generally follow standard C conventions. They tend to return 0 or a pointer when acting properly, and -1 or NULL when something went wrong (unless the function usage suggests other returns, of course, as in cidr_get_pflen() ). They set errno when returning an error; the error codes each function can return are documented with the function.

libcidr doesn't use any threading itself. It should, however, be safe to use in any threaded program if used sensibly. Only a very few functions use static strings, and those that do (cidr_version() and cidr_numaddr() and its related functions being the only ones I can think of) tend to be constant strings as well, so they wouldn't be changing. Of course, you don't want to cidr_free() a CIDR in one thread while you're still using it in another, but if you do, it's not libcidr's fault.

For the current version or any extra information, see the libcidr project homepage, at <>.

This reference manual is build using the codelibrary SGML DTD, which is specifically designed for documenting libraries. See the codelibrary homepage at <> for more details on it.


Data structures:


Data structures
