- Greg Gollinger is a college friend, with some little bit of actual content on his page. But he's got even more on his old page, which hasn't been maintained in years.
- Jason Nunnelley is a sometime boss/co-worker/buddy/etc who sometimes has good content on his page, and then randomly just gets rid of it all and starts over.
- Jessie Bounelis is a friend of mine from ages ago in another life. She no longer has a "web page" per se, but she does keep an online diary with far more information than you'd ever really want to know.
- Keith Niedfeldt is another friend of mine from college, who appears to have an aversion to setting up a real website.
- Pat O'Brien is an old friend from high school days. He's got a few bits and pieces on his webpage.
- Tom Kelliher was a professor of mine, and continues to be a good friend and source of technical goodies :)