This page is devoted to listing all the places I could find that link to my page. This serves several purposes:
- It serves a sort of 'thank you' purpose for the 'exposure' you give me by giving you some of the same
- It helps solidify this Web we craft
- If somebody has an insane and twisted enough webpage to voluntarily link to mine, they're definately somebody that visitors to my page might enjoy :)
- It strengthens my position as a back-scratching elitist link whore
<Your Name here>
If you link to me, email me and let me know! You can get yourself some exposure here, foster cooperative spirit and inter-denizen goodwill, and all that jazz.
Who's who
- Web Nouveau is big page that basically maintains a big list of pages that use standards-compliant code like CSS instead of hacks and workaround. I'm down on page 6 of their gallery of table-less sites. Go go pushing-the-state-of-the-art!
- John Anthony Lewis linked to my page in general, and to my bare breasts pic in specific, from his blog. 'Course, he never mentioned it, I only found out by seeing all the hits to the pic in my logs from his page. Bad John! No Cookie! :)
- Gaurang Khetan links to my page, as well as specifically to my Why Windows Causes Stupidity and What Userfriendly Really Means rants, from his Bookmarks page.